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Skincare for self-care


Natural Living Made Simple


10 Easy Swaps for a Plastic-Free Routine

plastic-free skincare

Hello, beautiful people! 🌿

Are you ready to give your routine a fabulous, eco-friendly makeover? We've got you covered with ten easy swaps that will help you be plastic-free and embrace a more sustainable lifestyle. Plus, you'll be making a positive impact on our beautiful planet, especially our home Down Under. Let’s dive in!

What's in the blog:

plastic-free skincare


Now, let’s talk numbers. Did you know that Australia produces about 2.5 million tonnes of plastic waste every year? Sadly, only 9% of it gets recycled. The rest ends up in landfills or, worse, our oceans. This has devastating effects on marine life and our ecosystems.

By making these simple swaps, you’re not only enhancing your skincare routine but also contributing to a healthier planet. Every small change counts, and together, we can make a big difference.



1. Switch to Bar Soap

natural soap

Let's start with the basics. Bar soaps have made a glorious comeback! Not only do they come in minimal packaging, but they’re also just as effective as liquid soaps. Opt for nourishing bar soaps made with natural ingredients that leave your skin feeling soft and refreshed. Your skin and the turtles will thank you! They truly have come a long way since the olden days 😜

re-usable cotton pads

2. Reusable Cotton Pads

Say goodbye to disposable cotton pads and hello to their reusable cousins! These soft, washable pads are perfect for removing makeup (even my stubborn waterproof mascara!) and applying toners. They’re gentle on your skin and can be reused countless times. Just toss them in the laundry, and they’re ready to go again!


3. Bamboo Toothbrushes

bamboo toothbrush

Bamboo toothbrushes are a fantastic alternative to plastic ones. They’re biodegradable, durable, and just as effective in keeping your pearly whites shining. Remember, a single plastic toothbrush can take up to 400 years to decompose! Switching to bamboo is a simple step with a big impact. They are now readily available at most supermarkets, which has saved me so much in postage fees since I started using these some years ago.


4. Glass Jars for Skincare Products

plastic-free skincare

Many skincare brands now offer products in glass jars. These jars are not only stylish and sturdy but also recyclable. Look for your favourite moisturisers, creams, and masks in glass packaging. When you’re done, you can repurpose them for DIY beauty treatments or as cute storage containers.


5. Solid Shampoo and Conditioner Bars

shampoo bar

Solid shampoo and conditioner bars are game-changers! They last longer than their liquid counterparts and come with zero plastic waste. These bars are packed with natural ingredients that cleanse and nourish your hair. Plus, they’re perfect for travel—no more worrying about leaks in your luggage! I have using some from the New Zealand brand Ethique since my cousin introduced them to me probably close to 10 years ago! (NB: I have no affiliation with this brand)


plastic-free razor

6. Metal Razors

Ditch the disposable plastic razors and invest in a good-quality metal razor. They provide a closer shave and are much more durable. With proper care, a metal razor can last a lifetime. Just replace the blades when needed, and you’re good to go. These are becoming more readily available online and in some stores.


7. Compostable or Reusable Face Masks

natural sheet mask

Face masks are a staple in any skincare routine. As sheet masks have become increasingly popular, they have unfortunately added a lot to landfills. Opt for compostable ones or reusable silicone masks that you can pair with your favourite serums. They offer the same pampering experience without the plastic waste. Or, go DIY as you all know I love to! Click here for some easy-peasy homemade face masks.


8. Natural Loofahs and Brushes

natural loofah

Exfoliating is essential for glowing skin, but plastic loofahs are a no-go. You know those fluffy and colourful ones you get from the supermarket for super cheap? Instead, choose natural loofahs or brushes made from sustainable materials like bamboo or sisal. They effectively scrub away dead skin cells and can be composted when they’ve reached the end of their life. Or, go for a body polish like these or DIY it!


9. Refillable Beauty Products

plastic-free makeup

Many brands are now offering refillable options for their beauty products. This means you can keep your original containers and simply purchase refills. It’s a win-win for your wallet and the environment. Check with your favourite brands to see if they offer this eco-friendly option. Ere-Perez has been a favourite brand of mine for a long time and I was so excited when they started offering refills! (NB: I have no affiliation with this brand).


10. DIY Skincare

DIY skincare

Finally, why not try making your own skincare products? Simple ingredients like coconut oil, honey, and essential oils can be combined to create effective and natural beauty treatments. There are plenty of DIY recipes online, and you’ll have complete control over what goes on your skin. Check out our blog for stacks of DIYs. 

Hint: pretty much every blog post to do with skincare has at least one DIY recipe.



So, what are you waiting for? Start your plastic-free skincare journey today and enjoy the benefits of a more sustainable lifestyle. Your skin and the earth will thank you!

Stay radiant and eco-friendly! 🌏✨


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Hi, I'm Mandi. A former primary teacher, Lifestyle Medicine graduate and current Diploma in Natural Skincare student with a passion for natural living.

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